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  • Writer's pictureMerri

Letter to lara guudfeather

Post that hangs around the Tavern for more than 6 months is up for grabs, Merri says anyway. This is one such letter.


I’m sending these letters to all the taverns in the lower river lands in the hopes of finding you. Please report at once to our encampment at Topher’s farm in Little Windgy.

Blue Sue is at it again with her Bone Company, or whatever they’re calling themselves these days. They marched up to the Ghost Wood and have been sacking tax houses along the way. Word is the Prince is extremely flummoxed at the thought of those tax revenues slipping away, so this could be a great opportunity to impress and finally get that commission I, I mean we, always wanted.

Please bring all available archers from your Jolly Gang with you. We forgot our bows at home and don’t want to march all the back just for sticks with string, no offense.

I have mustered fifty fighters of strong arm, along with twenty others with weak arms. We’ll send them in first to soften the blow. It should be a quick skirmish, Sue never did like fighting during the rainy season.

Please make haste, our camp is nearly out of the good bread we brought.

- Captain Holly

P.S. If possible, don't kill Blue Sue, we're schedule to fight alongside her in the Spring and I don't want it to get awkward.

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